Corporate Income Tax Returns

Wherever you conduct commercial activity, there is probably an obligation to report your revenues, expenses and profits to the local tax authority. Every country has its own rules that determine what you report and declare. You may even have to file returns of corporate taxable income at a state, cantonal or municipal level too.
At Vistra, we can advise you on the exact obligations your business will have, to accurately and fully report corporate income, anywhere in the world. And we’ll assist you in preparing the necessary declarations.
We have dedicated teams of tax compliance specialists who can assist in completing corporate income tax returns and filing them with the local tax authority. We can calculate your local corporate income tax liabilities and advise you when and how to pay them. And we’ll complete any other mandatory or statutory filings relating to the local reporting of commercial revenues, expenses, profits, assets and transfer pricing policies.
Using our own workflow and deadline management tool, the Global Compliance Application, we can provide you with complete visibility over all your global corporate income tax filing obligations and real-time status reports on the progress of those obligations.
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