Waiver of Penalty Fees for Seychelles International Business Companies that Contravene Register of Directors Filing Requirements
January 2018
The Registrar of International Business Companies issued Circular No.6/2017 on 14 December 2017 announcing the waiver of applicable penalty fees for non-compliance with filing requirements of Register of Directors (ROD) and Register of Beneficial Owners (RBO), as detailed in the International Business Companies Act, 2016.
Companies within scope
All Seychelles registered companies.
How it could affect you
Applicable penalty fees for companies that contravene the requirements will be waived by the Registrar until 31 May 2018. All Seychelles companies are required to file ROD with the Registrar and keep the RBO at the Registered Office.
How Vistra can support
From now until 15 May 2018, you may use our Client Portal “My Formation” to upload director and beneficial owner’s information online in a fast, efficient, and secure way. An email with further details will follow. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us or your account manager should you have any queries.