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Company Information API

Vistra Integrity API allows you to integrate extensive UK and Republic of Ireland company data into your own applications and ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Our database comprises over 9 million records of all corporate entities in the UK and Republic of Ireland in addition to 13 million directors. Enhanced with our own in-house data collection and information taken from over 20 sources, it creates the latest, most complete dataset available.

If you prefer to receive your business information data as a bulk data feed for any number of UK or ROI limited companies we can supply updates on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Select any data set according to your changing business needs. Obtain information about any UK or Republic of Ireland Limited Company and any Non-Limited Company in the UK. Find Director information and access data for companies that they are associated with. See the data available on demand below.

Our API automatically updates your data with the latest information available, ensuring the accuracy of your internal databases. Track your customers, suppliers and partners and receive notification if any changes occur. Find out what data we can monitor below.

In addition to company data, you can obtain all the original documents filed at Companies House.

Contact Us

Steve Blacker

Steve Blacker

Director , Business Information

United Kingdom