VAT 101: The basics of indirect tax

28 July 2020
This webinar covers the basic principles of VAT so your organization can ask the right questions to lower its indirect tax risks.

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In an interview on international operations, the managing director of Vistra’s Reading, UK office observed: “VAT and indirect taxes look deceptively simple but can go horribly wrong on a small detail, especially with cross-border transactions.” The bottom line is that if your organization operates abroad or is considering international expansion, you’ll have to understand and follow the indirect tax laws of each country of operation. Failure to comply with VAT rules, or to understand your entitlements under local law, can lead to additional costs, unanticipated tax liabilities, potentially needless VAT registrations and of course financial penalties.

This webinar covers the basic principles of VAT so your organization can ask the right questions to lower its indirect tax risks.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • The basic principles of indirect tax
  • Compliance and administrative obligations
  • Common challenges
  • Tips and misconceptions
  • High level case study: Indirect tax implications for a U.S. tech campany’s international expansion

Presented by: 

Andrew Norris