UK Register of Overseas Entities: Why you need to act now

3 November 2022
Nearly 35,000 companies registered outside the UK own UK land or property. These companies, and those that plan to own or have owned UK land or property, must now comply with the UK's Register of Overseas Entities.

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The new register came into force in August. The six-month transition period ends on 31 January 2023, and companies and those acting on their behalf must act now to understand the rules and update their processes to comply.

In this webinar, Debbie Farman and Michael Thomas will summarise the new rules and explain how affected non-UK-based entities should proceed to avoid getting caught in delays related to registration verification.

  • Recap of the UK Register of Overseas Entities, including background and definitions
  • New requirements and key dates and deadlines
  • Why you need to act now and how to proceed
  • Penalties for non-compliance
  • Case studies showing how we help our clients comply


UK ROE webinar presenters