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Developing an ESG strategy: A checklist for getting started

22 November 2022
Regulators, customers, investors and employees are demanding that environmental, social and governance principles drive how organisations operate and what they report on.

Despite these demands, many organisations don’t know where to begin when developing an ESG strategy. Approaches vary widely, in part because regulations are evolving but also because there are so many areas to consider. The fact that most ESG frameworks are still voluntary only adds to the confusion.

But getting started is essential. Organisations that only pay lip service to ESG principles risk being publicly called out for greenwashing and may suffer lasting financial and reputational damage.

Our ESG checklist provides a rational, easy-to-grasp starting point. It’s a summary of important steps you need to consider when developing an ESG strategy, no matter what your industry or countries of operation. 

Download the checklist to get started.


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