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Cross-Border HR M&A compliance and trends: A roundtable discussion

29 September 2020
Understanding and fulfilling HR obligations in a cross-border deal: What business leaders need to know now

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September 29, 2020

EMEA 1PM BST | Americas 1PM EDT

Ongoing economic headwinds have affected virtually every area of the global economy, including M&A activity, which stalled in the early months of the pandemic following a record run. But activity has officially come roaring back. In September, MarketWatch reported that “a series of blockbuster deals drove corporate deal making to its strongest start of all time in the second half.” 

This trend of companies pausing rather than abandoning M&A plans was noted in a recently released CFO-Research-Vistra report, Cross-border operations: Regaining momentum in 2020 and beyond. Senior finance executives from hundreds of companies answered questions about their M&A activities, expansion plans, cross-border compliance concerns and more. In an April survey discussed in the report, only 8 percent of executives said they were delaying acquisitions or takeovers, despite the pandemic declaration. 

While cross-border M&A continues to be a critical component of corporate growth, it also continues to carry considerable risks. The CFO Research-Vistra survey revealed that M&A-related compliance was one of the top two regulatory areas of concern for finance executives. Understanding and fulfilling HR obligations in a cross-border deal is particularly challenging and essential for success. 

Each M&A deal is unique, and options for getting newly acquired employees and other assets up and running will be determined by many factors. These include the target country, the employer obligations of that country, whether the acquisition is a carve-out deal or the purchase of an entire concern, and more. 

In this roundtable-style webinar, three experts will discuss: 

  • Top cross-border M&A HR considerations 

  • Top compliance concerns and strategies for mitigating HR-related risks 

  • Establishing a legal entity vs. using a professional employer organization (PEO) or some combination when acquiring a company or part of a company 

  • M&A trends now, including results from the recent CFO Research-Vistra survey on international expansion and operations 

  • What businesses are doing to reduce M&A risks 

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