REIT Trustee

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REITs invest in real estate properties and distribute the revenues generated from these assets, primarily rental income, at regular intervals to REIT holders.​

As an independent trustee with a strong operational framework and expertise, we're a preferred choice for setting up and administering REITs and InvITs.​

We deliver a full suite of services to trustees, which includes the following:​

  • Structuring from a legal and taxation perspective​
  • Transferring assets and listing assistance​
  • Creating an operational framework and common platform for participants including sponsors, investors, investment managers, principal valuers, project managers and stock exchange​
  • Oversight of activities of the business trust under the regulatory framework​
  • Legal due diligence on assets and monitoring the flow of funds​
  • Convening meetings of unit holders and the maintenance of records​
  • Investor relationship activity, including review of unitholders' complaints and their redress​
  • Regulatory compliance and reporting​
  • Annual administration during the life of the trust.

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